Fife Cat Shelter always has a selection of cats and sometimes kittens, looking for new homes with caring responsible owners.
- Please note there is a set donation for any cat or kitten adopted from the Shelter.
- Any kitten adopted from the Shelter must be neutered by 6 months. There is an agreement to be signed by the new owner to take responsibility for having this procedure carried out. Many vets nowadays, neuter male and female kittens at 4 months and we would strongly recommend this. Your vet will advise as to whether your 4 month old kitten is an acceptable weight to have this done. Kittens of this age which come into the Shelter are always neuterd at 4 months following examinatioin and agreement of our vet.
- Many of our cats and kittens arrive having had an unfortunate start in life, so Shelter staff will advise whether, in their opinion, a particular animal would fit in to the new owner’s lifestyle
- We can help owners towards the cost of neutering their cats and take in litters of kittens. If an owner is on benefits or unemployed, we can, on, occasion, offer a Neutering Amnesty where the owner pays £40 per cat, during December and January, this is a special offer price during these months, as this is primarily when cats come into season. Fife Cat Shelter pays the balance.
- We do try to help when we can, but sometimes the Shelter is full and requests for us to take in cats cannot be taken on board immediatel
- Sometimes finance dictates whether we can accept cats, our first priority with all cats is veterinary advice and treatment.